Topic: "Music of Our Town"
T. What is music? Specialists explain it very well: " Music is art of combining sounds that have rhyth, harmony and melody."But music isn't a combination of pleasant sounds only. Can you explain what is music for you?
P.1. I think music is beauty in sounds.
P.2. For me music is my mood.
T. There are different musical styles. What styles do you know?
P., P. Pop music, rock, folk, classical, country, dance, martial, sacred, organ, spiritual, jazz:
T. Please, listen to the music and try to define what musical style is it.
P.1. This is jazz .
P.2. This is country music.
P.3. It's rock'n roll.
T. Some young people don't think they can listen to classical music and enjoy it. "Symphonies are very difficult to understand", they say. This idea is wrong. In fact classical music is easy to understand if you listen to it often enough. What can you say about classical music? Do you like it?
P.1. I enjoy classical music.
P.2. It is too complicated for me.
T. What famous classical composers do you know?
P.1-P: Debussy, Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Ravel, Chopin, Vivaldi, Shostakovich,Verdi:
T. Can you tell us some words about these composers?
P.1. I would like to tell you about a famous English composer Henry Purcell. His opera "Dido and Aeneas" was the first British classical opera. Several bars from his song "Lilliburlero" are used by the BBC as a signature tune for Overseas Service News.
P.2. Benjamin Britten began writing music as a child, later in life he wrote a great deal of music for young people. He was a master of vocal music of all kinds. Britten started the Alde burgh Festival.
T. Music in the life of different people is different: some compose music , others play music, and others only listen to music.
Look at the screen, listen to music and tell me what musical instruments these are.
P. - P. A piano, drams, a guitar, a violin, a trumpet, a viola, a clarinet, a synthesizer, a xylophone, a bass(guitar).
T. Can you play any musical instrument?
P.1. I can play :
P.2. I can't play any musical instrument, but I like the sounds of :
T. There is music everywhere, but if you want to listen to living music you go to the concert. How can you invite your friend to the concert?
P.1. Would you like to go to the concert?
P.2. Why not to go to the concert?
P.3. What about going to the concert?
P.4. Let's go to the concert!
T. Artjem, can you invite your friend to the concert?
P.1.- Let's go to the concert!
P.2. - What kind of concert will it be?
P.1. - It will be a concert of popular singers.
P.2. - It sounds great! What singers will take part in the concert?
P.1. - Maxim and "Korni" and "Fabrika zvjezd"!
P.2. - Have you seen this programme?
P.1. - The singers've just arrived to our town. This is their first performance.
P.2. - Where will the concert be?
P.1. - The concert will be in the House of culture.
P.2. - When will it be?
P.1. - Tomorrow at 5 p.m.
T. If you go to the concert you should observe some rules. Do you know these rules?
P. - Not to drink or eat during the performance.
- To switch all alarms off.
The taking of photographs is strictly forbidden.
Not to make noise during the music.
T. Let's imagine you are at the concert and you enjoy your favourite music. What does it picture in your mind?
T. People want to know everything about their favourite singers. Sometimes they tell very surprising stories. Very often they aren't true. Take your Activity Books, open them at page 27, ex.12. There are some sentences from the story about Dmitry Hvorostowsky. Some of them are true , others are wrong. Please listen to the story and mark the true sentences .
( Звучит текст о Дмитрии Хворостовском) 2 р.
T. Please read the true sentences.
P.1.- Dmitry is a famous opera singer.
T. Who can retell this story?
P.1. -:
T. We can see that everybody likes music. Music helps us to see the beauty of our world and to become better. I thank you for your work at our lesson.
Проектная методика является новой педагогической технологией обучения и представляет собой возможную альтернативу традиционной классно-урочной системе. Необходимость применения проектной методики в современном школьном образовании обусловлено очевидными тенденциями в образовательной системе к более полноценному развитию личности учащегося, его подготовки к реальной деятельности.
Как и каждая технология, проектная технология имеет свои сильные и слабые стороны.
К преимуществам проектной технологии можно отнести следующее:
актуальность. В центре технологии - ученик, его активное участие, позволяющее применять приобретенные знания, умения и навыки, а также добывать эти знания самостоятельно;
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